Herpes Simplex Igm Antibody

Herpes simplex Virus 1 and 2 IgM ELISA Kit

ESR105M 96 Tests
EUR 372

Bovine Laboratories manufactures the herpes simplex igm antibody reagents distributed by Genprice. The Herpes Simplex Igm Antibody reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact igm antibody. Other Herpes products are available in stock. Specificity: Herpes Category: Simplex Group: Igm Antibody

Qualitative Human Herpes Simplex Virus 2 Antibody IgM (HSV2-IgM) ELISA Kit

EUR 3420

Qualitative Human Herpes Simplex Virus 2 Antibody IgM (HSV2-IgM) ELISA Kit

EUR 765

Herpes Simplex 1/2 IgM ELISA kit

96 wells
EUR 379.2
Description: ELISA kit for the detection of Herpes Simplex 1/2 IgM in the research laboratory

Herpes simplex Virus 1 (HSV 1) IgM

EUR 92

Herpes simplex Virus 2 (HSV 2) IgM

EUR 92

Herpes simplex Virus 1+2 (HSV) IgM

EUR 92

Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgM Control Serum

3 mL
EUR 105

Igm Antibody information

Human Herpes Simplex Virus 6 IgM Antibody ELISA Kit

MBS3802184-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3420

Human Herpes Simplex Virus 6 IgM Antibody ELISA Kit

MBS3802184-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 765

Human Herpes Simplex Virus 7 IgM Antibody ELISA Kit

MBS3802186-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 6725

Human Herpes Simplex Virus 7 IgM Antibody ELISA Kit

MBS3802186-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 550

Human Herpes Simplex Virus 7 IgM Antibody ELISA Kit

MBS3802186-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3420

Human Herpes Simplex Virus 7 IgM Antibody ELISA Kit

MBS3802186-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 765

Human Herpes Simplex Virus I+ II IgM Antibody ELISA Kit

MBS3802875-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 6725

Human Herpes Simplex Virus I+ II IgM Antibody ELISA Kit

MBS3802875-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 550

Human Herpes Simplex Virus I+ II IgM Antibody ELISA Kit

MBS3802875-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3420

Human Herpes Simplex Virus I+ II IgM Antibody ELISA Kit

MBS3802875-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 765

Herpes Simplex 1/2 IgM ELISA kit

55R-IB79246 96 wells
EUR 379.2
Description: ELISA kit for the detection of Herpes Simplex 1/2 IgM in the research laboratory

Human Herpes Simplex Virus 2 Antibody IgM (HSV2-IgM) ELISA Kit

abx055721-96tests 96 tests
EUR 801.6

Human herpes simplex virus 1 Antibody IgM,HSV 1 Ab IgM ELISA KIT

ED0300Hu 96 wells
EUR 458

Human herpes simplex virus â…  (HSVâ… ) antibody (IgM) ELISA kit

CSB-EQ027565HU-48T 48T
EUR 241.31
Description: Homo sapiens (Human)

Human herpes simplex virus â…  (HSVâ… ) antibody (IgM) ELISA kit

CSB-EQ027565HU-96T 96T
EUR 371.25
Description: Homo sapiens (Human)

Human herpes simplex virus â…¡(HSVâ…¡) antibody (IgM) Elisa Kit

EK714201 96 Wells
EUR 0.43

Human herpes simplex virus â…  (HSVâ… ) antibody (IgM) Elisa Kit

EK714446 96 Wells
EUR 0.46